The Problem
Students across the globe struggle with studying, boldly because most of them were never taught how to study in a way that actually works for their learning style. For One & For All is here to clear the air about tedious study techniques - we help students improve their focus with simple methods that drive impact over time.
~ The problem is not learning, it is proper implementation and study ~
Let’s dive in and take a look at 10 fail proof tips that will help you improve your studying skills today!
1) Avoid Distraction
What is distracting to you... When our attention spans compete with that of a gold fish, it's fair to say most of us tend to get distracted easily. It is important to understand that what you are currently studying is important for your grades.
The point is if you can successfully starve and eliminate distraction, then focus will come through and help you study with more attention. Here are a few ways to avoid distraction:
- Turn off your phone
- Set your boundaries with friends / family
- Plan ahead
2) Time-Block your Day
Some of the most successful and focused people of our time understand the power of time-blocking. Some high performing entrepreneurs, students and employees will detail a single day down to every 15 minutes. Something to think about!
Take time to schedule tasks into your day and commit to getting them done - make sure to plan for downtime and recreation. When you write down your time dedicated to studying remember this:
1) Study time & class is NON-NEGOTIABLE
2) Balance your time preparing and relaxing before tests
3) Plan your Time
Similar to time chunking, planning your time can mean committing yourself to tasks in a realistic manner. We all have the same 24 hours in a day and unbounded potential as creative beings, so how do you currently use your time?
Seriously, do you know where all of your 8,760 hours in a year go? Getting clear on the concept of time and how you can BEST use yours will allow you to plan effectively.
After speaking with hundreds of students and young professionals about what helps them plan their time and reach their goals, the following method has proved to work best when done every night:
* Task @ Time
* Task @ Time
Things To Remember
4) Revise Each Topic at Least Twice
We call this the triple check guarantee because you are likely to miss small details that just might show up on the exam... "but we didn't even study this, how unfair for the teacher to put that on the test". A third glance can make you confident that you understand the content and have not missed the mark.
5) Take Breaks
Take your breaks. Study shows that breaks are very important - even 5 to 15 minutes can clean your mind. That being said, every 50 minutes you should have a 15 minute break. With those breaks use your time wisely and do something that you enjoy. Ex: Reading a book, scrolling through social media, calling your friend, or going for a run.
6) Find Study Groups
This method alone can improve your test results if you put in the time to find good study groups. You can start by looking on campus, asking in your classes, and searching online.
Students can come together to share experiences and knowledge that lifts up the whole group! We believe in group study and promote you to find or start one of your own. If you're looking for a leadership opportunity and a chance to leverage the power of masterminding.
--> Check out Launch The Focus - Career Acceleration Academy to see if our group is a fit !
7) Break It Up
Make sure to look over your test topics and all the studying that needs to take place... Ugghhh it seems like so much.. no worries though, let's break it up!
Write out 6 key topics or sections to review and label them 1 -6 in terms of priority. Then space them out when you plan your time to include rest and recreation.
Simply said; Break your work into different parts. Figure out what you will be studying during your study time, then break it up into the sub topics. Once you are done each part go back to your first one and revise it (Step 4).
8) Comfort First
Perhaps we should have placed this study hack at #1, because comfort should come first! Of course some learning / growth will be uncomfortable and challenging, but place importance on comfort when studying.
Create an atmosphere that is calm and free of distractions to set a focused tone for your studying. Although a comfy bed with Netflix playing might be your go to, remember to balance comfort with a space that allows you to hold your attention.
Next time you challenge yourself to get comfy and still be focused, try these helpful tips:
- Integrate plants / live elements to your workspace
- Turn on a diffuser (aromatherapy)
- Listen to background study music
- Have a coffee and a snack
- Adjust your chair / computer
- Have a clear desk
- Put on a neck pillow / back support
9) Stay Hydrated
Another highly recommended strategy to hack your study time and stay ahead of your classmates, is also a very simple one. Staying hydrated and drinking pure - slightly alkaline water will help feed your focus.
The body can be largely affected by even a 10% decrease in hydration - likewise in the case of increasing your H20 levels by 10%. So throw some lemon or cucumber in that glass and stay dedicated to being hydrated when studying.
10) Awareness
Last but nit least, lets talk about self awareness... as an important factor to your results in a test. There are times to watch, to know, and to wonder. When we need to know a certain fact or process for a test, we must access our awareness and memory.
These to resources of your mind can provide a powerful tool when you need to know something on the fly. Then again, don't be afraid to use your awareness to see that you must watch / learn more before knowing.
When it comes to studying and knowing what to study, use your awareness more so than the study guide - your own intuition and sense of knowledge will lead you if you trust it, and act according.